Monday, March 5, 2012

Embed a Prezi presentation in a discussion Forum on Courses/Sakai

By Alan Regan

How to Embed a Prezi Presentation in the Forums Tool is a fun way to put a new spin on presentations -- literally. Through Prezi, you can zoom in, zoom out, spiral, and transition from idea to idea with ease. It's a great way to create a compelling or interactive presentation.

There are several ways to share your Prezi with your peers on Courses (powered by Sakai):
  1. Link: You can create a simple link that viewers can click and see your presentation on the website.
  2. Download: You can download a portable version of the Prezi that you can share or take with you when giving a presentation on the road (great if the Internet access at a location is questionable!).
  3. Embed: You can grab code to embed the information on your website, blog, or in the Forums tool of Courses/Sakai.
We will discuss how to embed your Prezi in the Forums tool of Courses.


  1. Locate the presentation you want to share at
  2. Click "Share" at the bottom right of the presentation
  3. Click "Embed"
  4. Click "Copy Code to Clipboard"

    Forums tool of Courses (powered by Sakai)

    1. Log into by clicking "Pepperdine Login" and entering your NetworkID and password
    2. Go to the course or project site by clicking its tab or selecting it from "All My Sites"
    3. Click "Forums" in the left menu
    4. Click the topic where you want to post the presentation
    5. Click "Post New Thread" or reply to an existing message
    6. Write the text of your message
    7. Click "Source"
    8. Place your cursor where you want the presentation to display
    9. Paste the code
    10. Click "Source" again (very important!)
    11. Scroll down and click "Post Message"
      NOTE: The code may contain an unsupported tag called STYLE.  After you post the message, if you see this stray code, you can edit the message and remove just this code, leaving everything else.