Checking Your Own Work With Turnitin
Dotting the i's for your own academic integrity
A professor asked how he can check his own work for citation issues. The professor was working on a journal article with peers and students and wanted to be sure that everything was cited properly before it went to publication. He knows how to set up an assignment to check student work, but he wasn't sure how to check his own work using Turnitin.
It's easy to check your own work with Turnitin by following three simple steps:
- Create a project site on Courses (powered by Sakai)
- Create an assignment with Turnitin enabled
- "Submit as student"
Every professor should have his/her own project site. These are private sites where you can draft content for your classes, collaborate with your peers, and experiment with the features of Courses (powered by Sakai) without impacting your official class sites.
Create a Project Site in Courses and be sure to add the "Assignments" tool.
Time to complete: Approximately one (1) minute.
Once you have your project site, you'll create an assignment. You can create a new assignment for each document you wish to check.
Create a Turnitin Assignment in Courses.
Time to complete: Approximately one (1) minute.
Once your assignment has been saved, you now need to submit to the assignment yourself. The easiest way to accomplish this is to click the "Student View" button in the toolbar. This will change the view and enable a new link below the assignment, called "Submit as Student." This allows you, the professor, to submit a document to the Assignments tool as if your account was a student account instead of a professor account. This tool does not allow you to submit the document on behalf of a specific student; it simply allows you to take your own assignment and verify that it is working properly. In this case, it also allows you to upload your document and submit the assignment for Turnitin OriginalityCheck.
- Click "Student View"
- Click "Submit as student"
- Attach your document
- Submit the assignment
- Keep the selection "None" under "Submit papers to the following repository." You don't want to accidentally save your own document permanently in Turnitin's paper database.
- Follow the guidelines for Turnitin submissions. For example, submit a Word document less than 10 MB in size for best results, and always include the file extension in the file name (e.g. mypaper.docx).